Just a twenty-something Socal gal living on a lil island in Japan.


I'm trying to stay on track with my studying for the GRE. I make no promises that this will be uploaded every single day, but I will do the best I can!

January 11, 2013

Grandiloquent: related to overly pompous talk; the unnecessary use of difficult words or difficult language. 

I think the GRE is full of grandiloquent stuff and fluff! Hmph!

January 21, 2013


adjective having a harsh or discordant sound.

My pleasant quiet nap in the staff room was brutally disrupted by the cacophonous sounds of the student brass band. 

January 22, 2013 

TurpitudeWickedness; shamefulness; a depraved act.

She tried to protect her daughter from all the evils of the world, but her iron grip pushed her sweet gal into a life of turpitude. 

January 23, 2013
Peculate: To embezzle monetary funds or another person's property. 

Gary continued to peculate from his sister's piggy bank even after she announced that would finally break it open. 

January 24, 2013

Warble: To sing with melodic embellishments

He stood outside her house and began to warble a romantic tune, however he had the wrong house and the child that resided there threw a tomato at him. 

February 18, 2013 

sobriquet: Nickname; a fancy or familiar name for a person.

Sometimes I like to think that Denzel Washington has a special sobriquet for me. 

pulchritude: Beauty; comeliness
                      When I walk into a room, my pulchritude overwhelms the people

March 25th, 2013

Parsimonious: exhibiting or marked by parsimonyespecially : frugal to the point of stinginess

A society that is parsimonious in its personal charity (in terms of both time and money) will require more government welfare. —William J. Bennett, The Death of Outrage, 1998

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