*Culture and Langauge note: Otsu kama sama deshita. This translates to "thank you for your heard work" roughly. It's said all the time. Usually said when you leave work or after a practise of some sort.
Today, I taught five classes all of which we're about Halloween. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but by the last class of the day I was really trying to keep up my enthusiam for candy and costumes.
On Wednesday, I had to teach one of my 3rd year classes...by MYSELF! When my JTE told me, I swear I almost cried. The third years? On my own? The first few classes with them hadn't been very smooth. Probably noticing the instant change of expression on my face from very genki(enthusiastic) to super kanashii(sad), she assured me that I wouldn't be totally alone and that one of the assistant teachers would be in the classroom.
"Oh that's great," I thought. "If she can come out with some brilliant English in the next day to help explain Halloween to the students, then yes, I'd be okay."
Of course, no such thing happened. Nihongo Ganbare!
I prepared Halloween games for the class the week before, but Monday and Tuesday I was a silent wreck.
The day before, my friends who much more skilled in Japanese, despite what they say, helped me write the directions in Japanese to explain the game.
Then comes the day. A Wednesday. A particular sunny, yet cold day. I dawned my green dress and witches hat and prepared myself for what I thought would be the worse class ever.
Class begins. The students stroll into the classroom. Thank goodness for the announcement the JTE made about me teaching on my lonesome.
But, have ye a lil faith, sensei!
IT WAS AMAZING! Honestly, I don't give my students enough credit. I was having some trouble connecting with the third years before, but I think this class was just what was needed to break whatever layer of ice that remained. Before, they simple nodded at me with a quiet "konnichiwa" when I walked past them, now they won't leave me alone.
I shared my Halloween memories and traditions with them, showed a bit of the Nightmare Before Christmas, and gave out lots of candy. And Nightmare Before Christmas is a totally legitimate Halloween movie!
And with that...can I get an Ostsu kama same desu?!